Find out the Facebook ID of any Account page easily

Find out the Facebook ID of any account, Page, or group Account easily

 In the modern era of social networking, Facebook has become an important communication platform for many individuals, companies, and institutions. Facebook is used to communicate with friends and family, exchange information and news, and promote business products and services. Therefore, today we will explain the details of  how to  easily know the Facebook ID  of any account, page  , or group account.

Find out the Facebook ID of any Account page easily

An important piece of information that can help in managing accounts and analyzing results is knowing the ID number for each Facebook account. In this article, we will learn about  ways to know the Facebook ID of any account  , page, or war account. We will also define the ID, and we will also learn about all the ways to obtain the ID of the Facebook page and groups as well.

What is Facebook ID 

“Facebook ID” or “ Facebook ID ” is a unique number given to each personal account on Facebook and to each public page or group. This unique identifier can be used to identify the account or page accurately and quickly. It usually consists of specific numbers, letters and symbols and cannot be duplicated for any other account. The ID is also  used to  uniquely distinguish Facebook accounts from each other in the Facebook database.

The Facebook ID can be found in the URL of a user's account or page. The identifier usually consists of a string of numbers. The Facebook ID can also   sometimes be used to quickly find a specific account or page, and it is also used in some other applications and services to link accounts to users without having to use usernames or full pages.

How to find out the Facebook ID of your personal account

If you want to  know your Facebook account ID , the method is easy and simple. You can follow the following steps to find out the Facebook ID of your personal account, which are as follows.
  1. Log in to your Facebook account using your browser.
  2. Go to your account home page.
  3. Click the page title in your browser's address bar to display the account URL.
  4. A series of numbers will appear at the end of the URL. This is your Facebook ID. Usually, it is between numbers and letters and begins with "".
  5. Copy this portion of the link for safekeeping or for use in future analytics and marketing.
Next check the numbers that appear at the end of the web page address. This is your Facebook account ID. The numbers usually start immediately after your username and can last for several numbers.

How to find out the Facebook ID of a group account

Account wars are Facebook accounts that represent fictional characters, celebrities, or companies, and are usually used to promote products or services in a distinctive way. If you would like  a way to know the ID of a specific  group account  , then go to the group account page whose ID you want to know. Then click on the profile picture of the account to open an enlarged image. Right-click on the enlarged image and choose "View Image" or "Open Image in New Tab" (options vary by browser).

After that the full image will appear in a new tab. Right-click on the image again and choose "Copy Image Address" (text may be different depending on browser). Now open another browser or a new tab and paste the image address into the address bar. A series of numbers and letters will appear in the title of the image. This is the Facebook ID of the group account. Finally, copy this part of the link for use in image analyzes or to preserve the number.

    How to know the Facebook ID of a Facebook page

    When you are a Facebook Page owner, you may need to know the Page ID for various purposes, such as integrating it into your website or analyzing the Page's performance. To learn  the ways to know the Facebook page ID , follow the following steps.
    1. Log in to your Facebook account as the page admin.
    2. Go to the page whose ID you want to know.
    3. Click the "About" button at the top of the Facebook page.
    4. Click “Copy URL” to copy the page URL to the clipboard.
    5. Now, open another browser or a new tab and paste the address into the address bar.
    6. A series of numbers will appear at the end of the URL. This is the Facebook ID of the page. Typically, it starts with "" followed by "pages/" and a set of numbers.
    7. Copy this part of the link and keep it for later use.
    These points were the way through which you could know the Facebook page ID of another Facebook page. Therefore, you can follow all these steps  to know the ID of any Facebook page .

    Using Facebook ID in analytics and marketing

    Facebook ID can be used for analytics and marketing on the Facebook platform after obtaining permission from users. The Facebook ID gives you access to a variety of information about users and their behavior on the Facebook platform. By using it in analytics and marketing, you can. You can also find out how  to obtain an ID for any Facebook page  to analyze the performance of your ads and measure the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns. You can see the number of views, click-through rate, and conversion rate achieved through your ads.

    You can use your Facebook ID to target a specific audience to show them your ads based on their personal information and interests. Also, by analyzing user information available through Facebook ID, you can better understand your target audience, their needs and interests, and thus improve marketing strategies and provide appropriate offers to users. It should also be noted that the use of Facebook ID in analytics and marketing is subject to applicable privacy policies and agreements. You must obtain users' consent and respect Facebook's policies on personal data protection.

    How can a Facebook ID be used for purposes not related to Facebook?

    Your Facebook ID can be used for non-Facebook purposes in many ways, but you must comply with applicable privacy laws and usage policies. Here are some examples of uses. It is as follows.

    • sign in. Many sites and services use Facebook login. You can use your Facebook ID to log in to these sites and services.
    • Identity verification. Some sites and services may ask you to provide your Facebook ID as part of your identity verification process.
    • Communicate with people. Your Facebook ID can be used to contact people you have a relationship with outside of the Facebook platform. You can send messages or share content directly via other apps that use Facebook ID to identify people.
    • Targeted ads. Some companies may use your Facebook profile information, including your Facebook ID, to show you targeted ads that match your interests and preferences on other platforms.

    However, before sharing or using your Facebook ID in contexts other than Facebook, review the privacy policy and terms of use of the service you intend to use to check how it respects your privacy and the security of your personal information.

    Can Facebook ID be used in targeted advertising?

    You can use your Facebook ID in targeted ads on the Facebook platform. You can identify a specific audience using this identifier to ensure they receive relevant ads tailored to them. Facebook ID can be used for targeted advertising on the Facebook platform. A Facebook ID is a unique number given to each Facebook user that can be used to target Facebook ads to a targeted audience based on interests and other personal information associated with the user's account. One of  the most important uses of Facebook ID  in targeted advertising is Retargeting.

    The Facebook ID is used to reach people who have previously visited your website or app. You can create targeted ad campaigns that appear to these users when they are on Facebook, helping you increase the chances of engagement and conversion by your target audience. However, you should be sure to respect Facebook's privacy and engagement policies when  using your Facebook ID  for targeted advertising. It also requires compliance with applicable data protection laws in the countries your ads target.

    Ways to know the Facebook page ID

     You can use some other methods to find out the Facebook page ID. Here are two common methods for  obtaining  a  Facebook page ID . They are both my daughters.

     From the page link

    1.     Open the Facebook page whose ID you want to know.
    2.     Open the More menu (the three vertical dots) at the top of the page.
    3.     Select "Copy page link".
    4.     Paste the link in the appropriate place, and the Page ID will be part of the link after “ ”.

    From the page source

    •     Visit the Facebook page whose ID you wish to know.
    •     Click the right mouse button on any empty spot on the page.
    •     Choose View Page Source or View Page Source.
    •     Search for "page_id" using your browser's search function.
    •     The number followed by "page_id" is the page ID.

    Please note that you may be required to be a Page admin or owner to access the Page ID.

    Lookup ID website to obtain the Facebook page ID

    The Lookup ID website for obtaining the Facebook page ID is one of the  most important ways to obtain the  Facebook page ID using the “Lookup-ID” service. You may use the following website to access the Service. Go and visit the following link  :  When you visit the site, follow the instructions to use the search tool and provide the link to the Facebook page whose ID you want to obtain.

    After that, the site will show the page ID associated with that link. Please note that services and sites may change over time, so it is important to verify that the site I provide to you is still working and providing this service.

    What is the benefit of an ID for a Facebook page? 

    The Facebook ID is a unique number assigned to each user account on the Facebook platform. The Facebook ID is used to identify a user and help distinguish him from other users. The benefit of the Facebook ID includes   that the Facebook ID can be used to ensure that you are talking about the same person when communicating with him on the Facebook platform. People can search for you using your ID to verify your account.

    You may also be asked to enter your Facebook ID when using applications or services that rely on your Facebook account to log in or access your information. One of  the benefits of  Facebook ID  is to enhance privacy and maintain the confidentiality of personal identification information. Instead of sharing specific personal information with others. Also, to maintain the confidentiality of your personal information.

    You can only share your Facebook ID to let people find your account without revealing your other personal details. Facebook ID is used in several APIs that allow developers to access Facebook data and create applications associated with it. The ID helps identify users and determine access rights to information. Also please note that this benefit may vary depending on your Facebook privacy policy and settings.

     Conclusion . Knowing the Facebook ID of any account, page, or war account is very important for individuals and companies on the Facebook platform. This unique and persistent identifier is a powerful way to effectively track the performance of accounts and pages and engage with your audience. Always use this information legally and responsibly. In conclusion, I wish all visitors to the platform website success and lasting success.

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